Most vehicles operate at an engine temperature of 180 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit and rely on their automotive cooling system for overheating prevention. Understanding the components of your cooling system can help you spot the signs of trouble and get in quickly for service. Regular engine cooling system maintenance by the experienced professionals at South Grand Auto Repair
can prolong the life of your engine.
The components in your engine's cooling system work together to dissipate the heat the engine generates. A problem with one component can easily lead to problems with others.
There are warning signs that the system is not working. However, to determine exactly what’s wrong, you need the help of the skilled engine cooling system specialists at South Grand Auto Repair.
The radiator is a heat exchanger that helps send engine heat away from your vehicle through metal fins that also allow cooler air in. Coolant that has absorbed engine heat circulates through the radiator before returning to absorb more heat.
Puddles of fluid under your vehicle may indicate that your radiator is leaking. Immediately take your vehicle in for service. Professionals can look for cracks or other damage.
The coolant in the radiator reaches extremely high temperatures, and it needs a mechanism to cool off. Cooling occurs when your vehicle moves forward quickly but not when it's stationary or moving slowly.
The radiator fan reduces the temperature of the coolant by drawing air through the radiator. If you're stuck in traffic and your vehicle starts to overheat, this is a sign that the radiator fan may be faulty.
Coolant is a mixture of water and antifreeze that helps stop your engine from overheating. Coolant circulates through the engine, draws in heat, and then goes to the radiator to release that heat before transferring back to the engine.
Coolant that has turned brown should be replaced immediately. Low coolant levels and overheating are also signs of trouble with the cooling system.
The water pump drives coolant circulation Vehicle overheating can be a sign something’s wrong with the water pump. Water pump failure can lead to engine failure. Service professionals can check the belt connecting the water pump to the engine to determine if the pump is functioning properly.
Your vehicle's thermostat sits on the engine block and keeps coolant there until you start your engine. Once your engine reaches a specified temperature, the thermostat opens. This allows the coolant to flow to the radiator and transfer the excess heat from the engine.
A faulty thermostat leads to your engine overheating and potentially boiling over. It is hard to pin an overheating problem on the thermostat. If your gauge indicates your vehicle's overheating, rely on the cooling system experts at South Grand Auto Repair.
Engine coolant travels to and from the engine, radiator, and water pump through rubber radiator hoses. Vehicles also have heater hoses that circulate coolant to the heater core that heats the vehicle's interior. Signs of damaged hoses include engine overheating, coolant pooling beneath your car, and a burning rubber smell from a hose that is rubbing on a belt and melting.
Have a service professional from South Grand Auto Repair
replace cooling system hoses that show signs of wear, bulging, leaking, or other problems as soon as possible.
Each cooling system component depends on the others for smooth, reliable operation. Poor maintenance of, or damage to, just one component can have a cascading negative effect on your vehicle and your wallet.
Bring your vehicle to South Grand Auto Repair for regular cooling system maintenance and when your vehicle is overheating or the warning lights come on. Our trusted professionals will help ensure proper operation by:
Ignoring the signs of even minor problems with your cooling system can lead to significant damage, including costly repairs for blown gaskets, warped cylinder heads, or even complete engine failure.
South Grand Auto Repair has been proudly servicing vehicles in the Pullman, WA area since 1977. Our experienced team offers quality, reliable service and has the knowledge to diagnose and repair vehicle cooling system problems before bigger issues crop up.
Contact us at (509) 334-7215, make an appointment using our online form, or visit us at 1260 South Grand Avenue, Pullman, WA 99163. We offer high-quality maintenance and repair work at fair prices.
1260 S Grand Ave, Pullman, WA 99163, United States of America
Mon-Fri: 7:30-6:00 | Sat & Sun: Closed
South Grand Auto Repair is honored to serve the community of Pullman, WA with car repair and automotive repair services. We work hard to be the best auto shop in Pullman, WA and our automotive professionals always strive to provide our customers honest, efficient and friendly service. We also carry top brands that will suit your needs. Please contact us if you need automotive or car repair services.
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